08 May 2024

Can you look back and see an area where you've grown?

I can, but it's always easier to do when someone else notices for me. 😅

Currently, I'm trying to overhaul my home and my habits. Boy is there a lot to be done!

I've finally reconciled with the fact that I *might* be somewhat of a hoarder. Keeping my home organized has been a struggle since my first marriage. I'm learning a lot about my own mind and emotions and how they tie in with everyday things.

I've been learning to be patient and give myself some grace (something I tell my kids all the time, but I struggle to follow my own advice). I've also been learning how to create a routine that I can handle (it's still a work on progress) while taking extra steps to deep clean/declutter.

Once I've gotten through all the rooms of the house, it will be easier to maintain regular cleaning/picking up (I assume 🤞).

I've definitely grown less attached to things and have been enjoying a season of throw-it-out. 🤣 There's so much freedom in letting go and getting it done!

I used to struggle with inactivity because of the desire to get everything right and done. I've been working on this. Perfectionism is no good. It can lead to doing too much or not doing anything.

This business that I do has been a part of this area of growth for me. I tend to want to read and study and know everything there is to know before I talk to someone else about it.

My leader (and friend) has been very encouraging. "Done is better than perfect" is my new catchphrase. It doesn't mean to just throw something together. It means that every tiny detail doesn't have to be exact. And it means you can cross this off your list and move on to the next success.

I'm becoming free from the chains I put myself in.

Is there an area of your life where you need a little push? Could you use some support/encouragement?

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