03 January 2024


We're just a few days into the new year and I'm hearing about everyone's resolutions.

Photo by Fuu J for Unsplash (recolored by me).

The biggest one I hear the most is to lose weight. It's a pretty big deal as we age. It's harder to lose weight as we get older and so many other changes happen that it's hard to keep track or stay on top of things.

I'm having my own weight battles, too. After not weighing myself for about a week, I was unpleasantly surprised by the number on the scale. And I'm sure it's more than the usual "holiday eating," but it's pretty scary to think that even with effort, the numbers might go in the "wrong" direction.

I can do one of a few things:

  • Give up, since it's clear I can't do this healthy thing.
  • Go much harder and be more strict with myself
  • Keep going. Keeping a steady pace.

What do you think I choose?

I'm gonna keep going. I don't usually get caught up in making a new year's resolution because I'm the type of person that will make unrealistic goals and do waaay too much in the beginning then fizzle out. This approach isn't sustainable for me. I'm going to follow through with maintaining my small habits.

I'm going to take the next step as if nothing happened. Weight loss (like other things we strive for in life) is not linear. There are so many factors that contribute to your day-to-day numbers on the scale. Besides, though I'm heavier, I haven't gained any inches. My clothes still fit the same. 🤷‍♀️

Consistency will keep it trending downward. Small steps lead to the big changes. When you lose sight of that, you will fret. Don't forget that getting to your goal happens bit by bit. You will traverse hills and valleys throughout your journey. Starting the course will get you to your destination (not constantly starting and stopping or trying to sprint here and there).

I'm so grateful to be able to be at peace with myself in these moments. It has certainly taken much time and prayer for me to get to this place. ❤️

May you be blessed on your journey as well!

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