07 January 2024

Standing In Not Standing Out

I don't like to stand out. But I don't strive to be like everyone else either.

I hope that makes sense.

For example, I'm an alto but the alto part is usually the harmony. If I can't pick out or even hear the harmony I will just sing soprano (or tenor). I don't always have the ear or the confidence to figure out the harmony as we sing together. (Yes, I recognize that confidence is something you build by doing the thing).

I'm not seeking to fit in for the sake of inclusion. I just don't want to wreck the good thing the group has going on (I do acknowledge the my perception may be skewed).

I usually default to the behind-the-scenes task work. I'm usually the person who will show up a little early and help with setting up. Or I'll stay longer to help with cleanup. I enjoy watching people interacting with one another and having a good time at functions. You don't have to feel bad about not talking to me a whole lot at a party or event.

I'm usually so glad you thought of me at all and will enjoy being present. I like to take notice of the work you put in and bask in your achievements. You're pretty awesome!

I never thought that my quirky preferences and introverted personality would be useful in business.

I've heard so much about how "you gotta get out there and talk to people." It seems that extroverts make better salespeople and influencers.

Well, I can assure you that if you're an introvert and you don't like to be the center of attention, you can be super successful in business.

While you do have to talk to people and make connections, you still get to make real friends in the process and can do the behind-the-scenes back office work. Your interactions can (and should) be genuine.

Being an introvert means that you are refreshed and renewed by spending time alone. Extroverts need time with people to gain their energy (so they can really struggle when business slows down).

If you're like me, you will enjoy celebrating others and feel privileged to share in their burdens without feeling the need to inject yourself every time.

You can do this, no matter your personality and preferences. There's a spot for you. ❤️

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